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Daoud Kuttab Bio

     Founder and director of the Institute of Modern Media at Al Quds University in 

Ramallah, Palestine 1996- present. Within the Institute's work, he established

· Al Quds Educational Television Station- a leading media organ that combines public

service broadcasting with community television.

· Founder and Director of the first Internet-radio station in the Arab World, AmmanNet.

1999- present. www.ammannet.net

· Established in 1995 the Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN) www.amin.org.. A pioneer

internet site that attempts to provide alternative media content in Arabic.

· Co-Director of Internews Middle East Institute in Jerusalem in 1994.

· Founder and president of the Jerusalem Film Institute 1990-1995.

· Columnist with Al Quds Daily 1987-1993 Conducted exclusive interviews with Yaser Arafat,

Yitshaq Rabin and other leaders.

· Managing Editor of Al Fajr Weekly in English 1982-1987.

· West Bank reporter for Nazareth-based As Senara. 1987-1992

Columnist with the following newspapers:

-The Jordan Times

-Gulf News

-The Jerusalem Post

-Beirut Times

Published articles in:

The New York Times

Washington Post

Los Angles Times

Foreign Policy

Globe and Mail-Canada

The Age- Australia


Yomuri Daily

Journal of Palestine Studies

Al Rai

Al Sabeel

Al Hadath

  • Carried out training workshops in Iran as a UNESCO media expert. (2000 & 2002)

Executive Director in the following films

Palestinian Diaries, 1989 Channel 4, UK, Ikon TV, Holland.

We Are God's People, 1990 Channel 4, UK, Ikon TV.

Jerusalem Under Siege, 1991, Al Quds Television Productions.

Marda, a story of a land, 1992 National Association of Arab Americans, Washington DC.

On the Edge of Peace, 1994 Channel 4,UK, Israel TV Second channel. Bethlehem, Thania Production, Jerusalem and MPI Chicago USA.

Shara'a Simsim (Sesame Street) 1998 Children's Television Workshop and Al Quds Educational Television

Arab Diaries, series of five videos on the Arab world, with Tamouz Media, New York

Face to Face, Dialogue between youth in Amman and San Francisco with World LinkTV

Chat the Plant series 5& Jordanian and American youth talking about family and war.

Sesame Stories, 2003 Sesame Workshop and Al Quds educational Television


   * Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York
   * Freedom to Write Award from the PEN USA West
   * Press Freedom Hero from the International Press Institute
   * Courage and Future of the Media from the Leipzig Media Institute, Germany