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User:Sugarcube73/Genital Integrity

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Genital integrity is the condition of having natural, whole, and complete male, female, or intersex genital organs — unaltered by any surgical operation.[1]

Genital integrity is advocated by many children's rights organizations and by the Council of Europe.

Saving Our Sons and Stop Infant Circumcision Society sponsor an annual Genital Integrity Awareness Week,[2] during which a demonstration in support of genital integrity occurs in Washington, D. C.[3]

Doctors Opposing Circumcision advocates genital integrity to obtain the highest level of health and well-being.[4]


  1. ^ Gender integrity and gender equity. In Denniston GC, Gallo GC, Milos MF, Hodges FM, Viviani F, editors. Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision. New York: Springer, 2010.
  2. ^ Saving Our Sons. 20th Annual Genital Integrity Awareness Week
  3. ^ SIC Society
  4. ^ Anonymous. Genital Integrity Policy Statement. Seattle: Doctors Opposing Circumcision, 2008.